Gold $2999.7 4.1
Silver $33.83 -0.1
Platinum $1009.2 4


If you are looking to invest in gold or silver bullion to diversify your investment and/or retirement portfolio with a sensible investment, here is a basic background on the precious metals market as to why it is a wise way to move forward with the diversification of your portfolio in to a bullion investment for protection against geopolitical and other economic uncertainties.

Why Invest in Gold & Silver Bullion Now?
The world economy is anything but stable. No one can predict with certainty if the economy will swing back to its pre-recession glory or if it would tank following a spree of avoidable global events. The banking crisis along with the real estate bubble has severely affected the confidence of investors. When the economy is unpredictable, when your assets can get devalued randomly and significantly, when you cannot find safe havens to invest in and when you need to secure your financial future, you should invest in gold, or silver, to protect your financial health.

Investing in Gold & Silver Bullion
Precious metals investing is not complicated. It allows you to invest as little or as much you want. You can set aside just a few hundred every month to invest in gold bullion, bars, or coins. You can set aside the same, more or less to invest in silver. You can treat these investments as small and affordable monthly expenses, just as you would approach your mortgage or any loan repayment.

Why you should strongly consider investing in gold.
Your investments in stocks can get easily devalued should the markets crash. The world economy is entirely based on currencies today and with stagnant real estate prices, limited growth in the U.S., prevailing recession in some European countries and the vulnerability of stocks, foreign exchange and other assets that can be liquidated, it is not just safe but also rewarding to invest in gold bullion, bars, or coins. Should paper currencies get devalued or become practically worthless, the prices of precious metals would be subjected to generous appreciation. You would not only have your investment protected then but also reap generous returns.

Why Precious Metals Investing is Necessary
Gold & silver have always returned as money over a 2,000 year history. let’s face it, our paper money today is backed by nothing tangible. Plus, every time paper money drops in value, gold sky rockets. Not to mention, banks are no longer secure. In the United States, for example, their FDIC deposit insurer only has $25 billion of funds to cover $9,283 billion of deposits. The reason why many people don’t invest in gold is because they don’t understand how it would all pan out. Some people feel gold is expensive and hence out of their league. Some investors think the appreciation is too little and too late, unlike stocks which fluctuate much more and more frequently to make room for operating profits. People don’t invest in silver because many don’t consider it to be precious enough. There is considerable lack of understanding when it comes to precious metals investing. Investing in commodities has been largely confined to oil. However, it is true that the appreciation of silver has surpassed that of gold. By some accounts, you should invest in silver for higher returns relative to gold. Invest in gold and you can have the value of your asset get doubled in a few years.

If you are interested in investing in precious metals, contact U.S. Coins and Jewelry and talk to one of our knowledgable staff. They can walk you through the steps of your best options. Visit our store or call 713-464-6868

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