Everyday we use coins and probably don’t really think about how they evolved or where they came from. The truth is, U.S. coinage, actually dates back long before the United States was even formed, where early Americans in the thirteen colonies used indian wampum beads for trade. However, since the beginning, our coins have told our story of how we became a great nation. Today, we might take our coins for granted or value them too lightly, but someday, the coin in your pocket could be rare and in someone’s collection.
On July 6, 1785, less than 10 years after we became a country, A Congressional resolution adopted the dollar as the monetary unit of the United States. Subsequent resolutions spanning 1786 and 1787 specified weight, fineness and the decimal system for the relationship of each of the coins authorized. This set the stage for American Congress to pass the country’s first Coinage Act of April 2, 1792. This Act specified “…that the money of account of the United States shall be expressed in dollars or units, dismes or tenths, cents or hundredths and that all accounts in the public offices and all proceedings in the courts of the United States shall be kept and had in conformity to this regulation.” In other words, this meant that the United States Mint was officially responsible for creating coins for public use. Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were two of the men who contributed research and ideas towards the early versions of those coins. Washington appointed David Rittenhouse of Philadelphia, the most renowned scientist in America, Director of the Mint. A well-known clock maker of the time, Henry Voight, was appointed Acting Chief Coiner.
Mechanics began construction of the necessary coining apparatus and “engines.” On July 9, 1792, President Washington authorized proceeding with the coining of half dismes. No time was wasted, as just four days later, Thomas Jefferson, then Secretary of State, recorded in his household account book: “rec’d from the mint 1500 half dimes of the new coinage.” Some research suggests that the single pair of dies used for the 1792 half disme was designed and engraved by a British medalist, William Russell Birch, rather than the Robert Birch who was associated with the Mint in those early years and previously credited with the coin’s design. Birch purportedly used letter punches for the initial coins supplied by Jacob Bay of Pennsylvania, a well-known maker of printing types.
Dr. Jonas McClintock, a Treasury official, had a conversation at the Mint with Adam Eckfeldt, the retired Chief Coiner and only surviving Mint official who was actually present when the half dismes were made. Eckfeldt related that President Washington deposited $100 in silver bullion for the purpose of coining these half dismes, however it is believed that the first coins were actually made from silverware provided by George and Martha Washington. 1,500 dismes were struck and presented to Jefferson by Mint Director Rittenhouse, he certainly must have passed some on to General Washington that were then used as presentation pieces for visiting dignitaries and VIPs. Also, many were given to acquaintances in Virginia. It’s estimated that the majority of 1792 half dismes entered circulation but only about 200-250 are known to exist today, generally in low grades. (About 20 uncirculated examples are included in that figure.)
Interesting to note that these coins were not fully struck up originally, so that even uncirculated examples don’t show full breast or leg feathers on the eagle. The hair curls above and below Liberty’s ear are also seen as partly flat. Adjustment marks are very common and cast counterfeits are known.
Tags: 1792, Adam Eckfeldt, Benjamin Franklin, Coin History, Coinage Act of April 2, David Rittenhouse, George Washington, Half Disme, Henry Voigh, Robert Birch, Thomas Jefferson, U.S. Coin History, U.S. Coins, United States Mint