Gold $2992.5 -3.1
Silver $33.74 -0.19
Platinum $997.1 -4.1


Buy Silver And Diversify Your Assets

We live in interesting times. The stock market is at all time highs while bonds are on the verge of offering negative rates. There is social unrest as we enter the final stages of this presidential election. We’re more divided... READ MORE

Currency of the Republic of Texas

How the Republic of Texas began its Paper Money Career… Texas’ roots have a rich and fascinating history that has become the subject of many Hollywood movies. But what many people don’t know is that after the Texas Revolution, as Texas... READ MORE

Seven Reasons to Buy Silver Now!

Seven Reasons To Buy Silver Now! Governments are carrying huge debt loads. Social unrest threatens us both at home and abroad. Our political races this year are even more acrimonious than usual. As an investor, you need to consider ways... READ MORE

Collecting Rare Coins: It’s Not Just For Hobbyists Anymore!

Collecting rare coins is a hobby that has been shared by kings, famous actors, writers, sports heroes and people from all walks of life since the time of King Midas 2700 years ago!  Today, experts estimate there are between 7... READ MORE

Bare Breasted Standing Liberty Quarter – A Controversial Coin

The naughty silver coin that created an American scandal When renowned sculptor Hermon Atkins MacNeil’s 1916 quarter-dollar design was first released into circulation, it was immediately controversial, critics claimed it was immoral and indecent. Public outcry was swift and loud.... READ MORE

War and the Peace Silver Dollar

The “war to end all wars” fell a little short of that noble aspiration. What history now calls World War I, a war that ravaged Europe from 1914 to 1918, did stir worldwide yearning, however, the yearning was for peace.... READ MORE

Honoring A Great American – The Franklin Half Dollar

It was noon on April 30, 1948, the anniversary of George Washington’s 1789 inauguration as President when the Franklin half-dollar made its debut. Employees of the Franklin Savings Bank dressed in Revolutionary-era garb sold them from a booth on the... READ MORE

Why You Should Buy Gold As Part Of A Balanced Investment Strategy

Many traditional investors are a bit put off by the concept of investing in gold. They often don’t understand the position that gold and other precious metals can play in a well-balanced and diversified portfolio. Gold is often a reactionary... READ MORE

Silver War Nickels – A Strategic Coin for the War Effort

When you look at a Jefferson Nickel today, you may see it as simply pocket change, however in 1942 through 1945, this coin’s composition was changed, thus playing a significant role during World War II. To really understand its significance,... READ MORE

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